
Strip 15: Boss 1

Wha ha ha! The first big fight scene! The Elf Emperor!

This fight goes on through several strips, so stay tuned!

Ah, and my birthday is tomorrow!


Strip 14: Team Lego- Back Together!

What a suspenseful ending! I might post the next comic later this week!

The odd, slow disappearance from last week may be explained sometime.


Lego Club Meeting

The details of the meeting were discussed already here, so I'll just talk about my model (above). As you already heard, this is is a mutated sand screamer. Let's check our Bionicle dictionary to see what that is:

Ah, here it is.

"Sand Screamer:
Mysterious Rahi found on the island of Voya Nui. The agonized shrieks of sand screamers are often heard, but the creature itself has never been seen. Tracks sighted by Matoran vanish in seconds. Evidence indicates that whatever the sand screamer is, it is capable of bringing down larger beasts."

This particular sand screamer lived on the island of Voya Nui, when it was mutated by the Mask of Life to be its guardian. When this sand screamer used its newfound power for evil instead of good, Mata Nui (the ruler of the Bionicle world) banished him to the faraway planet of Bara Magna. Now that the sand screamer knows that Mata Nui is on Bara Magna, he is dedicated to tracking down and defeating him.
This sand screamer carries an ice axe, a double-sided dword, various ice blades, and ice spikes.
His ice weaponry can freeze an opponent, and his sword can heat up to such high temperatures that it can fuse sand into glass.

Here's the lineup of all the created models. Can you spot mine? Also note the green-clawed warrior and a Bionicle someone made that happens to be an actual set.


Strip 13: The Strange Disappearance of Us

I didn't actually mean to make Strip 13 contain unfortunate events. It was accidental in every way.

You wondered where the dwarf steed was, didn't you?


Character Bio 3: Steve Irwin

Steve Irwin

Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: About twelve studs
Weight: Very little
Age: 40
Interests: Wildlife Exploration, Playing With His Crocodile, Swimming


A Short Review

The Space Speeder. A tiny, yet awesome, set. I prefer to think of the speeder as a common traveling device, simply jacked up by Snake with stolen equipment.

But on to the set. The design is very good, with a large laser, a jet in the back, and landing skids. Very criminal-ish looking.

The character is cool too. Snake, the wanted criminal. With 8 eyes (one on his chest, seven on his head), a normal head instead of one of those odd-shaped heads, a printed back, printed legs, and an amazing helmet (it looks even better with a black visor), this is one crook who screams, "I AM AWESOME! FEAR ME!"

This set is pretty good, but it goes best with 5969 Squidman's Escape, fairing the odds for the ol' Mollusk Menace and allowing you to disguise Snake as a policeman.


Strip 12: The Great Escape

He he he. We're so clever.

This is what the dragon was trying to say:
"Hey dwarf!"
"Your prisoners!"
"They're escaping!"



A Statue of Me

A statue of me has been erected in Lego City Central Park! Even Channel 9 News is covering the event! Isn't this exciting?!


Character Bio 1: Pilot Bill and Bio 2: Co-pilot Julius

Pilot Bill

Hair: Grey
Eyes: Brown
Height: About 12 studs
Weight: Very little
Age: 68 years
Interests: Flight, Square-dancing, Gardening

Co-Pilot Julius
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: About 12 studs
Weight: Very little
Age: 45 years
Interests: Flight, Architecture, Crochet


Strip 11: I Guess The Dragon Wasn't All That Bad

Yes. That's right. He escapes with Steve Irwin while we sit around making stupid jokes and having snacks. And, just for fun, I put a dog on a stick for the dragon, because he needs something bigger than a snake but smaller than a horse. The dog fit perfectly.

List of Snacks:

Steven Spielbrick: Barqs brand root beer
Dwarf: Chicken fingers
Bill the Pilot: Vanilla ice cream
Johnny Thunder: Chicken fingers
Me: Fanta Pinapple
Dragon: "Hot dog"


Poll Results #3

Well, the results are in! (and have been, for a while.) Let's see what we have...

Wild West: The winner, with 6 votes. (Do I have 6 readers? I didn't realize that.)

Insectoids: This odd Space-themed line collected 2 votes, placing it in second place.

Adventurers: This great theme only got 1 vote. Seriously!

Rock Raiders: Just one vote. Again.

Slizers: One vote. Yep, this is one of those polls.

Time Cruisers: This odd theme grabbed 2 votes, making it tie for second with Insectoids.

Other: One vote.

You may have to wait a while for the next poll, because I have no idea whatsoever to put in it.


Just For Fun

That's an alien, all right. It's one of my custom minifigures that I'm getting for my birthday (which is only 28 days away!)

That gun in its hand is a custom M41A Pulse Rifle from brickarms.com.