
Strip Whatever- More Fun

Honestly, SO SORRY for my laziness. Trying to get back on now....

and yes, I will probably use the most-selected name for the ninja. It's a she, by the way.


Advent 2010 Strip 8 Good: Down by the Old Genetics Pit

Stealth-cloth-material? Hmm.....


Sorry that I'm one or two days late on stuff. What with a cold-something, the latest Harry Potter movie, and a dentist appointment, things have been a lee-tle bit busy.

Sorry again. I'll get stuff up as soon as I can.

Advent 2010 Strip 8 Bad: Expansion

... And they expand. In one day. Yeah. it's a bit unrealistic (what with all of two soldiers (one of whom is a mechanic) and an enemy fighting them as much as possible), but please, don't fuss.


City Advent Day 3: Skate Park

Well, that's better. The skateboard's nice. And it had a dumbbell (or more accurately, an extra wheel axle).

Castle Advent Day 3: Mini Armory

OK. I'll go with that. Not bad.

Advent 2010 Strip 3: A Well-Thrown Helmet

Plan brought to you through the courtesy of ArtRage 2.5.

Please don't worry, it's not a real kid. It's a beardless dwarf from the old Castle theme.


City Advent Day 2: Kid Lancelot

It's a kid. With a sword. Nice idea, Lego. Let's hope tomorrow is more family-friendly.

Castle Advent Day 2: The Forge

Today we get a mini-forge. Whoo! On theme! Blacksmith is happy!

Advent 2010 Strip 2: Furnace-Matter-Twister

On the second day of Advent- weird. Sword kid. Of course, he did have two extra swords, so he's fine.


City Advent Day 1: Snowman

And this year, another early snowman! Even more robotic than the last one! Nothing particularly rare (for me) on this one. Sturdy, though!

Castle Advent Day 1: Blacksmith

Exactly what it says. It's a blacksmith. With some nice parts, too! Sorry for the poor lighting.

Advent 2010 Strip 1: The PI and the Snowman

So today, we introduce PI Smith (or at least that's what they call him.) If you stuck around last year, you will remember the Robot Snowman Lord. And this year, one of his men!