Themes: Atlantis begins November 24, and Ben 10 begins January 1, 2010.
Raid VPR: A future set including a new style of policeman and a crook called Rench.
Smash n' Grab: Another future Space Police set. Includes new policeman and a crook called Squidtron.
Fire Blaster: A future Power Miners set that includes a new style of miner and a fiery yellow rock monster.
Magma Mech: Another future Power Miners set including the new miner and a fiery orannge rock monster.
I assume there are more, but I have yet to hear about them. Ah yes, just one last thing:
These two sets, Monster Launcher (first) and Rock Hacker (second) are impulse sets that were released sometime this year. However, they were never featured on and I never noticed them in a store. If you have any information about them besides what I have given, please contact me.
Update: A new theme has been discovered: Lego Games! Visit new sites at,, and