
Advent Calendar Door 1

Day 1: Pepper Roni (Winter Attire) and Snowball-Bots

Yes, that's old Pepper from Xtreme Sports. I never could get a Pepper Roni head, so I'm glad to have this guy. His little blue sweater and bicycle helmet are nice too (but why would one need a helmet when one is throwing snowballs?) The snowballs are very common bits, though, and the legs aren't anything rare (though I do like dark blue parts.)

Perhaps those are attacking snowball bots meant to destroy him! That's a good reason to have a helmet! Protection!

Extra parts: 1 snowball. He's only meant to have three.

Now to check on the Lego Team:

Cold. Really cold. I put a promotion for another webcomic and I get accused of plagiarism?! If they hadn't said that, I wouldn't have dropped snowballs on them!