
Lego City 2010 Reviews

Set 7567: Traveller $3.49

This is an exceptionally good impulse set for the Lego City Airport sub-theme. This set includes a happy tourist with a jacket, camera, and camera bag. As he checks his bags (which are placed on the luggage cart), he looks at the flight schedule to find out when the plane to Denmark will take off. My only complaint (and it's not even a complaint about the set) is that the 3181 plane hasn't been released yet.

Set 3177: Small Car $4.99

This is a very nice new set for the Airport sub-theme, a dark brown-haired fellow in a (new) hoodie and green pants driving a sturdy smart (it looks like a smart car, so I call it one) car. It's an excellent set featuring a new hoodie-print torso and rare dark brown kid hair. I like!

Set 3178: Seaplane $10.99

Another Airport set, this set has a cleverly-built seaplane with a sturdy pilot and a small piece of land with a tank of Octan fuel and a windsock. The plane has a small cockpit and a rear luggage compartment. The pilot has the new curved-brim hat. My only complaint (and this is kind of weird) is that the fuel tank doesn't have an Octan symbol printed or stickered on it. Preferably printed. Oh well. The set's great anyway!

Set 3179: Repair Truck $12.99

Another great Airport set: an electrician's truck! Perfect for repairing the lights at an airport and runway! The truck has a raising bucket for repairing lights, tool compartments, tools, extra lights, and work-site blockades. The portion of sidewalk has a (I estimated with the 7047 Coast Watch HQ) two-story street light and a green recycling bin. A great set!

I also have new Atlantis sets, a Power Miners set, and a Toy Story set, so stay tuned!