
A New Kind of Review

Today, we feature Freeze Ray Frenzy! But I'm going to try a new type of review. Let's see how it works out:


Kranxx: This surly space biker leader is an impressive minifig.
Head: A tentacled horror. Sure to strike fear in any policeman.
Body: An open jacket with the Black Hole Gang patch sewed on. Nicely made.
Legs: A Black Hole Gang belt buckle and sturdy knee pads adorn this section.

Space Policeman: This tough police officer is sure to track down and arrest any space crook!
Head and Helmet: A black visored helmet, black sunglasses, and a mouthpiece.
Body: A suit imprinted with the police badge imprinted on the front.
Legs: Nothing amazing, except that they're printed.


Speeder Bike: Kranxx's bike screams, "SPEED!" It looks like he took the biggest engine he could find and put a seat on it. I also like the little readouts panel with the fuel gauge.

Space Police Bike: Eh, nothing super. I think the Space Police Raptor from Squidman's Escape was better. It does have flick -fire missiles, fired from one of those new hand-held missile firers.


Signs: A stop sign and a traffic light with asteroid bases. They're nice, though I had some trouble with the stop sign sticker. I wish Lego would quit the stickers and just use printed bricks.

I think this is how I'll do these reviews.

Note: Prepare for the "December: Advent Calendar Madness!" event. Coming December, of course.